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Early Childhood Education

At LGECA, we strive to offer an unforgettable and unmatched early learning experience. We believe the investments you provide for your child’s early development should last a lifetime. Combining classical learning, kinetic hands-on learning, and Biblical character training, we can equip our students with the skills they need for future success.

LGECA is a full-time daycare, our operation hours are from 7:00am - 5:30pm.

Classes and Placement


Beginning at 6 weeks old

We want the transition from home to school to be as smooth as possible. Parents will be able to view a daily report detailing the child’s day, on your ProCare App. This report will also give notifications for any supplies that are needed. Parents will be required to complete drop off details on the app at drop off time. Our infants will be read to daily and encouraged to explore and learn from the world around them.


Parents will supply the following items: Formula/Breastmilk, baby food, snacks, diapers, wipes, creams and 2 changes of clothes. All milk must come prepared in individual bottles. ALL ITEMS MUST BE MARKED WITH THE CHILD’S NAME.


Beginning at 13 months

Our wobblers will be introduced to more structure in this class. Their vocabulary is growing, and we want to nurture that learning. We will spend our day learning numbers, letters, problem solving and exploring with hands on fun. Potty training can also be introduced and possibly mastered in this class.


2.5 years to 3.5 years old

Children in this group continue to master their phonetic sounds and recognition. We will introduce letter groups and work on basic math skills. We will also work on our hand-eye coordination by tracing letters, numbers and the child’s name.


2.5 years to 3.5 years old

This group will work in reading and sight word groups. They will also work on math skills. They will memorize scripture, Books of the Bible, States, and Presidents. This class will also participate in chapel time with LGA students.

LGECA believes that it is important for us to partner with parents/guardians to achieve the greatest goals for our students. Here are a few ways that we believe those goals can be reached:


Safety & Security

A primary goal is to keep your most prized possession safe at ALL times.

All staff are vetted with strict background screenings, health prerequisites and are required to be CPR/First Aid certified. In addition, our facility is equipped with a camera system and has a restricted entrance policy.


Biblical Training

Our Bible training is a non-denominational curriculum that is taken
strictly from the BIBLE. Students will learn character building by studying the parables of Jesus, stories of the prophets and teachings of the apostles.



It is important to have a clean and sanitized environment for students and staff. We believe cleaning/sanitizing is a process that should happen continually, not just at the end of our day.


Intellectual Growth

We believe it is important to nurture every aspect of our student’s developmental abilities. This includes Academically, Socially, Physically and Emotionally. A solid foundation during the first years, will help provide a successful future.

Tuition & Fees

Please review our handbook for detailed information,

including tuition and fee details.

Our Admissions



Review our handbook and let us know if you have any immediate questions.


Email us at to setup a tour.


Complete registration form and pay fee.

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